Home of God

New York , United States of America
Dix HillsElmhurstElmhurst QueensFishkillFlushingFranklin Park
Great NeckHastings on HudsonHicksvilleIthacaJamaicaJamaica Est.
JamesvilleLake GroveLong IslandLong Island CityMonroeNew City
New YorkNew York CityNyackPearl RiverPenfieldPort Chester
Rego ParkRochesterRoslynStaten IslandStony BrookValley Stream
Vestal/BinghamtonWappingers FallsWest New YorkWhitestoneWoodhavenWoodside
YonkersYorktown (Ossining PO)

Chinese Christian Church of Greater Albany (紐約首府華人基督教會)
Chinese Christian Church of Greater Albany (紐約首府華人基督教會)
Chinese Christian Church or Greater Albany (紐約首府華人基督教會)

Chinese for Christ New York Church (中華歸主紐約教會)
Immanuel Chinese Lutheran Church (路德會以馬內利堂)
The Colonial Church of Bayside Chinese Christian Gospel Fellowship
Vineyard Chinese Christian Fellowship (葡萄園華人基督教會)

Taiwanese Christian Fellowship in Triple Cities

59th Street Lutheran Church
Baruch College CBSG
Brooklyn Chinese Baptist Church (布碌崙華人浸信會)
Brooklyn Chinese Christian Church (布碌崙華人基督教會)
Chinese Christian Club, Brooklyn College of CUNY
Chinese Promise Baptist Church
Christ Evangelical Lutheran
Church of Holy Spirit
Grace Chinese Alliance Church (恩典華人宣道會)
Hunter College CBSG
New York University CCF
St. Jacobi Lutheran Church

Buffalo Chinese Christian Church (水牛城華人基督教會)

Open Bible Baptist Church

Dix Hills
Long Island Chinese Alliance Church (長島華人宣道會)

Christian Testimony Church (紐約基督徒證主教會)
Elmhurst Christian Gospel Church (愛誠福音教會)
Grace Chinese Lutheran Church: Grace Fellowship (Grace Chinese Lutheran Church)
Indonesian Christian Church of New York
New York Christian Assembly (紐約基督徒會堂)
Reformed Church of Newton (紐約新城歸正教會)

Elmhurst Queens
New York Christian Assembly

The House of Christ's Love Chinese Christian Church (主愛之家基督教會)

Boon Church of OCM (中華海外宣道會播恩堂)
Bowne Street Community Church (錫安基督教會)
Chinese Bible Study Class of St. John's University
Chinese Christ Gospel Church (華人基督福音教會)
Chinese Evangelical Church in Queens (皇后區基督教生命堂)
Chinese Fellowship Covenant Church
Christian Testimony Mission (基督徒證主會)
Church of Christ (基督的教會)
Church of God Flushing (神的教會)
Community United Methodist Church (皇后區衛理公會)
Faith Bible Church (信心聖經教會)
Faith Bible Seminary
First United Methodist Church
Fisrt Baptist Church of Flushing (法拉盛第一浸信會)
Flushing Chinese Baptist Church (法拉盛華人浸信會)
Harvest Church of New York (紐約豐收靈糧堂)
New York Theological Education Center (紐約神學教育中心)
NY Dai-An Christian Church
Performing Artists Gospel Fellowship of New York (紐約藝人福音團契)
Queens Chinese Alliance Church (皇后區華人宣道會)
Queens College Chinese Christian Fellowship (皇后區大學華人基督徒學生團契)
Queens Herald Church (宣道會基導堂)
Queens Taiwanese Evangelical Church (基督教紐約聖教會)
Reformed Dutch Church/Newton
Sheep of Christ Fellowship (紐約群羊團契)
St. George's Episcopal Church
The Grace Christian Church in Flushing (法拉盛恩光基督教會)

Franklin Park
The Church in Franklin Book Room

Great Neck
Community Church of Great Neck (中宣會長恩堂)

Hastings on Hudson
CCCW (威郡華人教會)

Long Island Abundant Life Church (長島豐盛生命教會)

Chinese Christian Fellowship at Cornell (康乃爾中文查經班)
First Ithaca Chinese Christian Church (伊的家華人基督教會(播道會))
Hong Kong Christian Fellowship (香港基督徒團契)
Ithaca Formosan Family Worship

Chinese Christian Fellowship @ St. John's University
Queens Christian Reformed Church (長島中華基督教會)

Jamaica Est.
The Church in New York City

Syracus Chinese Bible Study Grp., Bible Studies Ministries, I

Lake Grove
Long Island Chinese Elim Baptist Chapel (長島華人以琳浸信會)
Suffolk Christian Church (施福基督教會)

Long Island
The Stony Brook Chinese Christian Fellowship (石溪大學中文團契)

Long Island City
Presbyterian Church of Astoria

Orange County Chinese Christian Church (紐約橙郡華人基督教會)

New City
Christian Apostles Chinese Church (華人基督使徒教會)

New York
AFC Campus Ministry in New York (基督使者協會紐約地區校園事工)
Bethel Chinese Assembly of God
Chinatown Manpower Project
Chinatown photo gallery
Chinese Bible Church (紐約華人聖經教會)
Chinese Christian Assembly (華僑基督教會)
Chinese Christian Fellowship (紐約中國基督徒團契)
Chinese Christian Fellowship City College/CUNY
Chinese Christian Herald Crusades (基督教角聲佈道團)
Chinese Christian Youth Fellowship, Inc
Chinese Conservative Baptist Church (中華純正浸信會)
Chinese Evangel Mission Church (紐約華人福音會)
Chinese Gospel Broadcasting Center (華僑福音廣播中心)
Chinese Grace Faith Mission
Chinese Missionary Baptist Church of New York
Christian Global Communication Network
Church of Grace to Fujianese
Church of New York Chinatown (紐約華埠教會)
Church of the Living Word (基督活主教會)
Columbia University Cantonese Chrisitan Fellowship (哥大廣東話團契)
Episcopal Church of Our Savior
First Chinese Baptist Church
First Chinese Presbyterian Church (紐約中華基督教長老會)
General Board Global Ministries, The United Methodist Ch.
Herald Bookstore (角聲書室)
La Guardia High School
Lutheran True Light Church
Mandarin Fellowship Baptist Church (國語團契浸信會)
New Dorp Chinese Baptist Church (恩福堂)
New York Chinese Alliance Church (紐約華人宣道會)
New York Chinese Baptist Church (紐約華人浸信會)
New York Chinese Church of the Nazarene (紐約基督教華人拿撒勒人會)
New York Chinese Gospel Church
New York Ling Liang Church (紐約靈糧堂)
Oversea Chinese Mission (中華海外宣道會)
The Assembly in Christ in New York (紐約在基督裡聚會)
Trust in God Baptist Church (賴神浸信教會)
United Brethren in Christ NY

New York City
Chinese Christian Youth Fellowship

Alliance Theological Seminary: Chinese Bi-Cultural and Pasto (北美華人雙文化教育事工科)

Pearl River
Christian Evangelical Church in Pearl River (珍珠河基督教生命堂)
Rockland Chinese Alliance Church (紐約磐石華人宣道會)

Rochester Chinese Christian Church
Rochester Chinese Christian Church (羅城華人基督教會)

Port Chester
Chinese Alliance Church of Westchester (威郡華人宣道會)

Rego Park
Evangelical Lutheran Church of Our Saviour (路德會救主堂)
Grace Spring Music Ministries (恩泉音樂事工)
Queeens Chinese Presbyterian Church of New York (紐約中華基督教皇后區長老會)

International Students and Scholars, First Bible Baptist Church
Rochester Formosan Bible Class

Kalam Christian Church, ELCA (美國福音信義會迦南教會)

Staten Island
College of Staten Island, CUNY, Chinese Student Fellowship (史德頓島大學中文團契)
Grace Christian Church of Staten Island (史德頓島恩光基督教會)
Staten Island Chinese Christian Church (史德頓島華人基督教會)
The Grace Christian Church in Staten Island (史德頓島恩光基督教會)

Stony Brook
Chinese Christian Gospel Church (長島基督福音教會)

Valley Stream
Calvary Faith Tabernacle

Binghamton Chinese Christian Church (濱城華人基督教會)

Wappingers Falls
Mid-Hudson Chinese Christian Church (赫德遜華人基督教會)
Mid-Hudson Chinese Christian Church (赫德遜華語基督教會)

West New York
Chiense Community Church of New York

Covenant Church, PCA (聖約堂)
New York Summer Conference (紐約靈命進深會)

New Life United Methodist Church (新生衛理公會)

Chinese Christian Church of Queens, N.Y. (皇后區華人基督教會)
Heavenly Light Gospel Outreach (基督教恩光堂)
Winfield Reformed Church (紐約恩惠歸正教會)

Chinese Reformed Church of Yonkers

Yorktown (Ossining PO)
Westchester Chinese Christian Fellowship (威郡基督徒團契)

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