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Philippians Chapter 3

1. Php. 3:2 - What word did Paul use to describe "those men who do evil, those mutilators of the flesh."?

  1. lions
  2. snakes
  3. dogs
  4. rats

2. Php. 3:3-5 - Paul said that he and those who were the circumcision, who worshiped by the Spirit of God and gloried in Christ Jesus, they put no confidence in the flesh. On what day did Paul say he had been circumcised?

  1. seventh
  2. eighth
  3. ninth
  4. tenth

3. Php. 3:5 - To which tribe of Israel did Paul belong?

  1. Reuben
  2. Levi
  3. Judah
  4. Benjamin

4. Php. 3:5 - Paul said he was a Hebrew of Hebrews and in regard to the law, a what?

  1. Pharisee
  2. Sadducee
  3. Zealot
  4. Lawyer of Lawyers

5. Php. 3:6-7 - In his zeal, Paul had persecuted the church and as for legalistic righteousness he was faultless. However, he said that whatever was to his profit, for the sake of Christ he considered it what?

  1. failure
  2. loss
  3. nothing
  4. worthless

6. Php. 3:8,9 - For the sake of Christ, Paul had lost all things and considered them rubbish that he might gain Christ and be found in him. Paul did not want to have a righteousness of his own that came from the law, but rather a righteousness that came from God and was by what?

  1. works
  2. the Bible
  3. faith
  4. studying

7. Php. 3:10,11 - Paul said he wanted to know Christ and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of sharing in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, and to somehow attain to the what?

  1. high calling in Christ
  2. rewards of heaven
  3. death on the cross
  4. resurrection from the dead

8. Php. 3:12,13 - Fill in the blanks: "I press on to take ----- of that for which Christ Jesus took ----- of me. Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken ----- of it."

  1. hold
  2. leave
  3. most
  4. all

9. Php. 3:13,14 - Who said the following: "Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus."

  1. Isaiah
  2. Paul
  3. Jeremiah
  4. David

10. Php. 3:18,19 - Paul said that many live as enemies of the cross of Christ. He said that their destiny is what?

  1. destruction
  2. defeat
  3. death
  4. decay

11. Php. 3:18,19 - Paul said that many live as enemies of the cross of Christ. He said that their god is their what?

  1. money
  2. power
  3. idol
  4. stomach

12. Php. 3:18,19 - Paul said that many live as enemies of the cross of Christ. He said that their glory is in their what?

  1. sin
  2. shame
  3. slavery
  4. strength

13. Php. 3:20 - Where is a Christian's citizenship?

  1. the church
  2. earth
  3. heaven
  4. USA

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Test created using "Harris Test" -


Question 1 3

Question 2 2

Question 3 4

Question 4 1

Question 5 2

Question 6 3

Question 7 4

Question 8 1

Question 9 2

Question 10 1

Question 11 4

Question 12 2

Question 13 3