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Philemon Verses 1 - 25

1. Philemon 1 - The letter to Philemon was addressed from Paul and what other brother?

  1. Silas
  2. Barnabas
  3. Peter
  4. Timothy

2. Philemon 2 - In his greeting in the letter to Philemon, who did Paul call "our sister"?

  1. Apphia
  2. Anna
  3. Aphrodite
  4. Alyssa

3. Philemon 2 - In his greeting in the letter to Philemon, who did Paul call "our fellow soldier"?

  1. Epaphras
  2. Archippus
  3. Aristarchus
  4. Demas

4. Philemon 5,7 - Fill in the blank: "...I hear about your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all the -----...Your love has given me great joy and encouragement, because you, brother, have refreshed the hearts of the -----."

  1. lost
  2. Jews
  3. saints
  4. Gentiles

5. Philemon 6 - So that Philemon would have a full understanding of every good thing in Christ, Paul prayed that he would be active in sharing his what?

  1. time
  2. money
  3. food
  4. faith

6. Philemon 8,9 - Paul said that he could order Philemon to do what he ought to do, but rather he appealed to him on the basis of what?

  1. love
  2. the law
  3. logic
  4. common sense

7. Philemon 10 - While Paul was in chains, someone became his "son". Who was he?

  1. Timothy
  2. Onesimus
  3. Titus
  4. Luke

8. Philemon 12-14 - Paul was sending Onesimus back to Philemon, even though Onesimus could have taken Philemon's place in helping Paul while he was in chains for the gospel. However, Paul did not want to do anything without Philemon's consent, so that any favor from him would be spontaneous and not what?

  1. planned
  2. unexpected
  3. forced
  4. free

9. Philemon 16 - Paul wanted Philemon to receive Onesimus no longer as a slave, but better than a slave as a what?

  1. hired hand
  2. head servant
  3. dear friend
  4. dear brother

10. Philemon 18,19 - Paul said that if Onesimus owed Philemon anything, he should charge it to whom?

  1. Paul
  2. the church
  3. Timothy
  4. Visa

11. Philemon 22 - What did Paul ask Philemon to prepare for him?

  1. a meal
  2. transportation
  3. a guest room
  4. clothing

12. Philemon 23 - Who was Paul's fellow prisoner in Christ?

  1. Silas
  2. Epaphras
  3. Onesimus
  4. Philemon

13. Philemon 24 - Which of Paul's fellow workers sent greetings to Philemon?

  1. Mark
  2. Aristarchus
  3. Demas
  4. Luke
  5. all the above

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Test created using "Harris Test" -


Question 1 4

Question 2 1

Question 3 2

Question 4 3

Question 5 4

Question 6 1

Question 7 2

Question 8 3

Question 9 4

Question 10 1

Question 11 3

Question 12 2

Question 13 5