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Genesis Chapter 8

1. Gen. 8:1 - What happened when God sent a wind over the earth during the flood?

  1. a tidal wave formed
  2. a hurricane occurred
  3. waves crashed over the ark
  4. the waters receded

2. Gen. 8:4 - On the seventeenth day of the seventh month, the ark came to rest on what mountain?

  1. Sinai
  2. Ararat
  3. Ebal
  4. Pisgah

3. Gen. 8:6,7 - After forty days Noah opened the window he had made in the ark and sent out what?

  1. sparrow
  2. dove
  3. raven
  4. cardinal

4. Gen. 8:8,9 - After Noah sent out a raven, he sent out a dove. What happened the first time?

  1. it returned with nothing
  2. it never returned
  3. it returned with an olive leaf
  4. it died

5. Gen. 8:10,11 - After waiting seven days, Noah sent the dove out a second time. What happened?

  1. it returned with nothing
  2. it never returned
  3. it returned with an olive leaf
  4. it died

6. Gen. 8:12 - After waiting seven more days, Noah sent the dove out a third time. What happened?

  1. it returned with nothing
  2. it never returned
  3. it returned with an olive leaf
  4. it died

7. Gen. 8:13 - How old was Noah when the flood water dried up from the earth?

  1. 501
  2. 601
  3. 701
  4. 801

8. Gen. 8:20 - After coming out of the ark, what did Noah build?

  1. a new house
  2. a flood barrier
  3. a smaller boat
  4. an altar to the Lord

9. Gen. 8:20 - What kind of animals and birds did Noah offer on his altar to the Lord?

  1. "clean"
  2. "young"
  3. "healthy"
  4. "fresh"

10. Gen. 8:22 - Seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease as long as what endures?

  1. sun
  2. moon
  3. earth
  4. 4-H

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Question 1 4

Question 2 2

Question 3 3

Question 4 1

Question 5 3

Question 6 2

Question 7 2

Question 8 4

Question 9 1

Question 10 3