Bible Bowl                             Genesis 49



       1. Gen. 49:3,4 - Israel said, "You are my firstborn, my might, the

     first sign of my strength, excelling in honor, excelling in power.

     Turbulent as the waters, you will no longer excel, for you went up onto

     your father's bed, onto my couch and defiled it."  Which son was this?


                     A) Reuben  B) Simeon  C) Levi  D) Judah

     Correct answer A.


       2. Gen. 49:5-7 - Israel said, "(They) are brothers - their swords are

     weapons of violence.  Let me not enter their council, let me not join

     their assembly, for they have killed men in their anger and hamstrung

     oxen as they pleased.  Cursed be their anger, so fierce, and their

     fury, so cruel!"  Which brothers were they?


                             A) Levi & Dan

                             B) Gad and Dan

                             C) Simeon and Levi

                             D) Joseph and Benjamin

     Correct answer C.


       3. Gen. 49:8-12 - Israel said, "Your brothers will praise you; your

     hand will be on the neck of your enemies; your father;s sons will bow

     down to you.  You are a lion's cub... The scepter will not depart from

     (him)... His eyes will be darker than wine, his teeth whiter than

     milk."  Which son was this?


                     A) Reuben  B) Simeon  C) Levi  D) Judah

     Correct answer D.


       4. Gen. 49:13 - Israel said, "(He) will live by the seashore and

     become a haven for ships."  Which son was he?


                     A) Issachar  B) Zebulun  C) Dan  D) Gad

     Correct answer B.


       5. Gen. 49:14,15 - Israel said, "(He) is a rawboned donkey lying down

     between two saddlebags.  When he sees how good is his resting place and

     how pleasant is his land, he will bend his shoulder to the burden and

     submit to forced labor."  Which son was he?


                     A) Issachar  B) Zebulun  C) Dan  D) Gad

     Correct answer A.


       6. Gen. 49:16,17 - Israel said, "(He) will provide justice for his

     people as one of the tribes of Israel.  (He) will be a serpent by the

     roadside, a viper along the path, that bites the horse's heels so that

     its rider tumbles backward."  Which son was he?


                     A) Issachar  B) Zebulun  C) Dan  D) Gad

     Correct answer C.







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               Bible Bowl                             Genesis 49



       7. Gen. 49:19 - Israel said, "(He) will be attacked by a band of

     raiders, but he will attack them at their heels."  Which son was he?


                     A) Issachar  B) Zebulun  C) Dan  D) Gad

     Correct answer D.


       8. Gen. 49:20 - Israel said, "(His) food will be rich; he will

     provide delicacies fit for a king."  Which son was he?


                   A) Naphtali  B) Asher  C) Joseph  D) Benjamin

     Correct answer B.


       9. Gen. 49:21 - Israel said, "(He) is a doe set free that bears

     beautiful fawns."  Which son was he?


                   A) Naphtali  B) Asher  C) Joseph  D) Benjamin

     Correct answer A.


      10. Gen. 49:22-26 - Israel said, "(He) is a fruitful vine... With

     bitterness archers attacked him... But his bow remained steady...

     because of the hand of the Mighty One of Jacob... Your father's

     blessings are greater than the blessings of the ancient mountains...

     Let all these rest on the head of (him), on the brow of the prince

     among his brothers.  Which son was he?


                     A) Gad  B) Asher  C) Joseph  D) Benjamin

     Correct answer C.


      11. Gen. 49:27 - Israel said, "(He) is a ravenous wolf; in the morning

     he devours the prey, in the evening he divides the plunder."  Which son

     was he?


                   A) Naphtali  B) Asher  C) Joseph  D) Benjamin

     Correct answer D.


      12. Gen. 49:29,30 - Israel gave instructions that he be buried in the

     cave in the field of Machpelah, near Mamre in Canaan.  Who sold this to

     Abraham as a burial place?


                           A) Lot

                           B) Melchizedek king of Salem

                           C) Ephron the Hittite

                           D) Jabba the Hutt

     Correct answer C.


      13. Gen. 49:31 - In addition to Abraham, Sarah, Isaac, and Rebekah

     being buried in the cave in the field of Machpelah, who had Jacob

     buried there?


                     A) Leah  B) Rachel  C) Bilhah  D) Zilpah

     Correct answer A.






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