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Genesis Chapter 12

1. Gen. 12:1-3 - God said, "Leave your country, your people, and your father's household and go to the land I will show you. I will make you into a great nation and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse." To whom was God speaking?

  1. Lot
  2. Terah
  3. Nahor
  4. Abram

2. Gen. 12:4 - Abram left his country as God told him. How old was he when he set out from Haran?

  1. 65
  2. 75
  3. 85
  4. 95

3. Gen. 12:5 - When Abram left his home country, he took his wife Sarai, his nephew Lot, and all the possessions they had accumulated and all the people they had acquired. Where were they going?

  1. Haran
  2. Egypt
  3. Canaan
  4. Ur

4. Gen. 12:6,7 - Abram traveled through the land as far as the site of the great tree of Moreh at Shechem. The Lord appeared to Abram and said, "To your offspring I will give this land." What did Abram build there to the Lord?

  1. altar
  2. well
  3. dwelling
  4. tabernacle

5. Gen. 12:8-10 - Abram traveled toward the hills east of Bethel and pitched his tent, with Bethel on the west and Ai on the east. He built another altar then set out toward the Negev. Abram then went down to Egypt to live because what was severe?

  1. heat
  2. drought
  3. famine
  4. headache

6. Gen. 12:11 - Who was Abram's wife?

  1. Milcah
  2. Salome
  3. Rebekah
  4. Sarai

7. Gen. 12:11-13 - Abram knew his wife Sarai was beautiful and that the Egyptians might kill him. Abram told his wife to tell the Egyptians she was his what?

  1. sweetheart
  2. sister
  3. mother
  4. bodyguard

8. Gen. 12:14,15 - When the Egyptians saw that Sarai was a beautiful woman, they took her to whose palace?

  1. Potiphar
  2. King Tut
  3. Pharoah
  4. King Solomon

9. Gen. 12:17 - Because of Abram's wife Sarai, what did the Lord inflict on Pharoah and his household?

  1. serious diseases
  2. lice
  3. boils
  4. severe hunger

10. Gen. 12:19 - Because Abram said Sarai was his sister, Pharoah took her to be his what?

  1. mistress
  2. servant
  3. wife
  4. dancer

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Question 1 4

Question 2 2

Question 3 3

Question 4 1

Question 5 3

Question 6 4

Question 7 2

Question 8 3

Question 9 1

Question 10 3