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Colossians Chapter 4

1. Col. 4:1 - Paul instructed masters to provide for their slaves with what is right and fair, because they also had what in heaven?

  1. a reward
  2. a mansion
  3. a slave
  4. a Master

2. Col. 4:3 - Paul was in chains for proclaiming what?

  1. the mystery of Christ
  2. the sins of the Jews
  3. the end of Roman rule
  4. the salvation of Gentiles

3. Col. 4:6 - So that the Colossians might know how to answer everyone, Paul told them to let their conversation be seasoned with salt and always full of what?

  1. knowledge
  2. wisdom
  3. grace
  4. hope

4. Col. 4:7,8 - Which dear brother, faithful minister, and fellow servant in the Lord did Paul send to the Colossians to tell all the news and encourage their hearts?

  1. Aristarchus
  2. Barnabas
  3. Onesimus
  4. Tychicus

5. Col. 4:9 - Paul used the following words to describe someone to the Colossians: "our faithful and dear brother, who is one of you." Who was he?

  1. Aristarchus
  2. Barnabas
  3. Onesimus
  4. Tychicus

6. Col. 4:10 - Who was the fellow prisoner of Paul who sent greetings to the Colossians?

  1. Aristarchus
  2. Barnabas
  3. Onesimus
  4. Tychicus

7. Col. 4:10 - Mark also sent greetings to the Colossians. They had received instructions about him and were to welcome him if he came to them. Who was Mark's cousin?

  1. Aristarchus
  2. Barnabas
  3. Onesimus
  4. Tychicus

8. Col. 4:11 - Another man named Jesus also sent greetings to the Colossians. He was called by what other name?

  1. Justin
  2. Justus
  3. Joseph
  4. Josephus

9. Col. 4:12 - Who did Paul say was always wrestling in prayer for the Colossians?

  1. Demas
  2. Epaphras
  3. Justus
  4. Luke

10. Col. 4:13 - Paul vouched for Epaphras that he was working hard for the Colossians as well as those at what two other places?

  1. Laodicea and Hierapolis
  2. Ephesus and Philippi
  3. Jerusalem and Rome
  4. Xenia and Cedarville

11. Col. 4:14 - Which dear friend did Paul say was a doctor?

  1. Demas
  2. Justus
  3. Luke
  4. Mick

12. Col. 4:15 - Paul sent greetings to a woman and the church in her house. Who was she?

  1. Larva
  2. Nympha
  3. Cocoona
  4. Martha

13. Col. 4:16 - Paul wanted the Colossian letter to be read to what other church?

  1. Ephesus
  2. Philippi
  3. Hierapolis
  4. Laodicea

14. Col. 4:17 - Paul wrote, "See to it that you complete the work you have received in the Lord." To whom did Paul write this?

  1. Archippus
  2. Aristarchus
  3. Aquilla
  4. Abby

15. Col. 4:18 - Paul said he wrote the greeting to the Colossians in his own hand. What did he ask them to remember?

  1. their promise
  2. the poor
  3. God's love
  4. his chains

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Test created using "Harris Test" -


Question 1 4

Question 2 1

Question 3 3

Question 4 4

Question 5 3

Question 6 1

Question 7 2

Question 8 2

Question 9 2

Question 10 1

Question 11 3

Question 12 2

Question 13 4

Question 14 1

Question 15 4