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Xenia Church of Christ
Bible Bowl

I Samuel 23

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1. ISam 23:1 - The Philistines were fighting against Keilah and robbing what?

  1. money changers
  2. widows
  3. threshing floors
  4. ATM's

2. ISam 23:2-3 - The Lord told David to attack the Philistines and save Keilah, but the men said that they were already afraid where?

  1. Judah
  2. the camp
  3. Benjamin
  4. the hills

3. ISam 23:5 - David and his men saved the inhabitants of Keilah and brought away what from the Philistines?

  1. livestock
  2. young women
  3. idols
  4. money

4. ISam 23:6 - When Abiathar the son of Ahimelech had fled to David at Keilah, he had come down with what in his hand?

  1. unleavened bread
  2. an ephod
  3. a scroll
  4. nothing

5. ISam 23:7 - When Saul heard that David had come to Keilah, he said David had shut himself in by entering a town that had what?

  1. gates and guards
  2. bars and chains
  3. no exit
  4. gates and bars

6. ISam 23:9 - When David knew that Saul was plotting harm against him, he told Abiathar the priest to bring what?

  1. ark of the Lord
  2. sacrifices
  3. all the priests
  4. ephod

7. ISam 23:10-12 - When David prayed to the Lord about Saul coming to Keilah, what did God say the men of Keilah would do to David?

  1. defend him to the death
  2. retreat and scatter
  3. surrender him to Saul
  4. stone him

8. ISam 23:13 - David departed from Keilah with about how many men?

  1. 200
  2. 400
  3. 600
  4. 800

9. ISam 23:14 - After David departed from Keilah, he remained in the strongholds in the hill country of what wilderness?

  1. Zebulun
  2. Ziph
  3. Asher
  4. Ai

10. ISam 23:15-16 - When David was in the wilderness of Ziph, Jonathan went to David at what place?

  1. Horesh
  2. Horeb
  3. Jabesh
  4. Judah

11. ISam 23:18 - What did David and Jonathan make at Horesh?

  1. covenant
  2. sacrifice
  3. camp
  4. s'mores

12. ISam 23:19 - Who went up to Saul at Gibeah saying David was hiding among them in the strongholds at Horesh?

  1. Girgashites
  2. Ziphites
  3. Hivites
  4. Jebusites

13. ISam 23:19 - What hill was south of Jeshimon?

  1. Hermon
  2. Horeb
  3. Ararat
  4. Hachilah

14. ISam 23:23 - Saul told the Ziphites that he would search David out among all the thousands of what tribe?

  1. Gad
  2. Benjamin
  3. Judah
  4. Levi

15. ISam 23:24 - David and his men were in the Arabah to the south of Jeshimon in what wilderness?

  1. Sinai
  2. Aram
  3. Maon
  4. Kadesh

16. ISam 23:26-28 - Saul and David were on opposite sides of a mountain when Saul was called away against the Philistines, so the place was called the Rock of what?

  1. Ages
  2. Escape
  3. Salvation
  4. Gibraltar

17. ISam 23:29 - David went up from the Rock of Escape and lived in the strongholds of what?

  1. Endor
  2. Ziklag
  3. Moab
  4. Engedi

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Question 1 3

Question 2 1

Question 3 1

Question 4 2

Question 5 4

Question 6 4

Question 7 3

Question 8 3

Question 9 2

Question 10 1

Question 11 1

Question 12 2

Question 13 4

Question 14 3

Question 15 3

Question 16 2

Question 17 4