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Xenia Church of Christ
Grant E. Miller
Bible Bowl

2 Corinthians 2

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1. 2Cor 2:1,2 - Paul made up his mind that he would not make another painful visit to the Corinthians. He asked who would be left to make him glad if he did what?

  1. fled
  2. retired
  3. stoned them
  4. grieved them

2. 2Cor 2:3,4 - Paul said he did this so that when he came he should not be distressed by those who ought to make him rejoice. He did this out of great distress and anguish of heart and with many tears, not to grieve the church at Corinth but to let them know the depth of his love for them. What did Paul do?

  1. read the scriptures
  2. rested
  3. wrote to them
  4. cried to God

3. 2Cor 2:5,6 - Paul said that if anyone has caused grief, “he has not so much grieved me as he has grieved all of you.” What did Paul say would be sufficient for him and inflicted on him by the majority?

  1. guilt
  2. punishment
  3. anger
  4. 39 lashes with a wet noodle

4. 2Cor 2:7,8 - Fill in the blank: “Now instead, you ought to forgive and comfort him, so that he will not be overwhelmed by excessive sorrow. I urge you, therefore, to reaffirm your ____ for him.”

  1. love
  2. praise
  3. righteousness
  4. price

5. 2Cor 2:9 - The reason Paul wrote to the church at Corinth was to see if they would stand the test and in everything be what?

  1. perfect
  2. obedient
  3. silent
  4. generous

6. 2Cor 2:10,11 - Paul forgave anyone the Corinthians forgave and he did it in the sight of Christ in order that they might not be outwitted by whose schemes?

  1. the Jews
  2. Satan
  3. the pagans
  4. Simon the Sorcerer

7. 2Cor 2:12 - Where did Paul go to preach the gospel of Christ and find that the Lord had opened a door for him?

  1. Antioch
  2. Corinth
  3. Troas
  4. Damascus

8. 2Cor 2:13 - Paul had no peace of mind, because he did not find which brother at Troas?

  1. Timothy
  2. Thomas
  3. Titus
  4. Thaddeus

9. 2Cor 2:13 - Paul said good-by to the people at Troas and went on to what place?

  1. Ephesus
  2. Egypt
  3. Rome
  4. Macedonia

10. 2Cor 2:14 - Fill in the blank: “But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumphal procession in Christ and through us spreads everywhere the fragrance of the __________ of him.”

  1. knowledge
  2. fear
  3. praise
  4. baptism

11. 2Cor 2:15 - Paul said, “For we are to God the aroma of Christ”. Among what two groups did he say this was true?

  1. those being saved and those perishing
  2. Pharisees and Saducees
  3. Jews and Gentiles
  4. the sinners and the saints

12. 2Cor 2:16 - Paul said, “To the one we are the smell of death; to the other, the fragrance of life.” He also said that in Christ they spoke before God with sincerity and did not peddle the word of God for what?

  1. pride
  2. prayers
  3. profit
  4. peanuts

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Question 1 4

Question 2 3

Question 3 2

Question 4 1

Question 5 2

Question 6 2

Question 7 3

Question 8 3

Question 9 4

Question 10 1

Question 11 1

Question 12 3